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cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 CVDs are the group of diseases of the heart and vessels of blood.
These consist on;
- Coronary heart diseases-disorder in the vessels of blood that supply blood to the muscles of heart.
- Cerebrovascular disease-it is a disorder of vessels of brain that supply blood to brain.
- Peripheral arterial disease –disorder in the vessels of blood that supply blood to arms and legs.
- rheumatic heart disease – disorder of muscles of heart and valves of heart from rheumatoid fever,and it is due to streptococcal bacteria.
- Congenital heart disease – this disorder is from birth and it may be due to some disorder in the structure of heart from the time of birth.
- Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – clots of blood in veins,that may shift and go to the lungs and heart.
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 Attack of heart and throw are mostly severe consequence and are due to the blocking of flow of blood to the heart or brain. It is mainly due to the collection of fatty acids in on the interior walls of blood vessels which bring blood to the brain and heart.
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 Strokes may be due to the more bleeding from the vein of blood or from clot of blood.
What are the risk factors for cardiovascular disease?
Most big reason of the disease of heart and stroke is
- use of unhealthy diet,
- physical in activeness,
- use of tobacco
- dangerous use of alcohol.
Environmental risk factors,
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 Main environmental risk factor is air pollution. due to this behavioral factor may increase like as
- blood pressure may increase,
- blood glucose level become increase,
- level of lipids in blood may increase,
- weight become increase,
- even to obesity.
- these factor can increase the risk of heart attack,
- stroke and even to failure of heart.
There are also some other factors of these diseases.
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 There are reflexion of main forces driving social,
- alteration in culture or economy,
- globalization,
- life in city,
- and age of people,
- Poorness,
- tension
- some genetic factors.
- Stopping use of tobacco,
- less use of salt in diet,
- use of more fruits and vegetables,
- daily exercise,
- and preventing yourself from dangerous use of alcohol,
- can reduce the factors of this disease,
- make tributary environment is healthy choice and that should be affordable,
- and it should as that can clean the quality of air,
- and by reduce the pollution are very important for people to attain healthy behaviour.
- treatment of hypertension,
- treatment of diabetes,
- and reduce the level of high lipids in blood,
- are important to reduce the chances of these diseases.
What are common symptoms of cardiovascular diseases?
Symptoms of heart attack
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 These disease have not noticeable signs. Attack of heart is its first sign.
Symptoms of heart attack
- Pain or comfortableness in the central area of chest;
- Pain or uncomfortableness in the arms, left shoulders, elbow, jaw, or in back.
- Tough breathing or shortness of breathig ,
- disgust,
- vomiting,
- light-headedness,
- stoutheartedness,
- sweat become cold,
- color become pale,
- in woman shortness of breath is more common then in man,
- vomiting or pain in jaw or back.
Most common symptom of a stroke
- Sharp weakness of face, arms, or legs, commonly on one side of body,
- Apathy of face, arms, or legs, specifically in one side of body.
- Muddiness,
- difficulty in speaking or difficulty in understanding the speech of others.
- Difficulty in vision from both eyes or of one eye.
- Trouble in walking,
- vertigo or loss of balance and coordination.
- Acute pan in head without any reason.
- Wispy or weak state of mind.
What is rheumatic heart disease?
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 Rheumatic heart disease are disease is due to harm in the valves of heart and muscles of heart from the redness and scratch due to rheumatic fever. this fever is due to abnormal reply of body to infection with bacteria of streptococci, that is commonly starts as an inflammation of throat and in children it is due to tonsillitis.
In developing countries, this fever effects very commonly in children, specifically, at the area where people are poor. Worldwide almost 2% rate of mortality is due to cardiovascular diseases.
Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease
Signs of these disease consist on;
- Breathing shortness,
- tiredness,
- heartbeats become irregular,
- pain in chest,
- and shadowy in vision.
Symptoms of rheumatic fever include;
- High temperature,
- pain,
- inflammation in joints,
- nausea,
- cramp in stomach,
- and vomiting.
How can the burden of cardiovascular diseases be reduced?
cardiovascular disease basic factors 2024 Information collected by 18 countries tells that programe of hypertension may be enforced with efficiency and have effective cost at the beginning level of care that will finally conclusion to lessens the coronary heart diseases and strokes.
Some basic medicines are;
- aspirin;
- beta-blockers;
- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; and
- statins.
Sometimes, surgical operations are required to treat CVDs.
They include:
- coronary artery bypass;
- balloon angioplasty (where a small balloon-like device is threaded through an artery to open the blockage);
- valve repair and replacement;
- heart transplantation; and
- artificial heart operations.